Completely renovated — SPA Hotel Devin reopened


Completely renovated — SPA Hotel Devin reopened

On May 10, Sharlopov Group celebrated the official opening of the completely renovated four-star SPA Hotel Devin. Its modernization and re-equipment took place within 3 months — from January 1 to April 1, 2018.

The event was honored by Deputy Minister of Economy Alexander Manolev, Mayor of Devin - Krasimir Daskalov, Deputy Mayor of Devin - Vladimir Solakov, Mayor of Smolyan - Nikolay Melemov, Deputy Regional Governor of Smolyan - Vladimir Garbelov and other public figures, as well as and friends and colleagues of the Charlops family.

After a minute of silence in memory of Stefan Sharlopov, Father Todor performed a festive water holiday and consecrated two icons donated by the guests, with a blessing to protect the hotel and the entire team.

Boyana Sharlopova and Eva Sharlopova thanked the partners who participated in the renovation of the hotel, as well as all those who stood behind the idea of realizing the idea of Stefan Sharlopov.

Together with Boyana and Eva Shaplopovi and with the Minister Manolev, the Mayor of Devin — Krasimir Daskalov, solemnly cut the bar at SPA Hotel Devin, after which the guests were invited to explore the completely renovated and modernized interior of the hotel, executed in soft, pastel colors colors combined with wooden elements, giving a feeling of coziness, style and warmth.

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